Zivolife, derived from the microalgae Klebsormidium flaccidum, offers several nutritional advantages over spirulina which is also a popular superfood. Here are some of the nutrients where Zivolife stands out in comparison to spirulina:
1. Protein Content:
• Zivolife contains over 50% plant protein, which is highly bioavailable and contains all 9 essential amino acids. Spirulina, while rich in protein, typically contains around 55-60% protein, but Zivolife’s higher bioavailability and amino acid profile make it an excellent choice for supporting muscle recovery, metabolism, and overall health.
2. Beta-Carotene (Pro-Vitamin A):
• Zivolife is notably rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant and precursor to Vitamin A, which plays a critical role in eye health, immune function, and skin health. While spirulina contains some beta-carotene, Zivolife has significantly higher levels, with 80.3 mg of total beta-carotene per 100g compared to spirulina’s lower amount.
3. Vitamin K:
• Zivolife contains 2,503 mcg of Vitamin K per 100g, a nutrient important for bone health, blood clotting, and heart health. Spirulina contains Vitamin K, but Zivolife’s levels are much higher, which makes it a more effective choice for supporting these vital functions.
4. Chlorophyll:
• Zivolife has an extremely high level of chlorophyll, with 1,671 mg per 100g, which is essential for detoxification and cleansing the blood. While spirulina does contain chlorophyll, Zivolife’s chlorophyll content is far superior in concentration, making it more beneficial for detox and overall health.
5. Polyphenols:
• Zivolife contains 603 mg of polyphenols per 100g, which are powerful antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. While spirulina has some polyphenol content, Zivolife offers a significantly higher dose, which may contribute to better cellular health and protection from oxidative stress.
6. Soluble and Insoluble Fiber:
• Zivolife offers more fiber than spirulina, providing 3.9g of soluble fiber and 16.8g of insoluble fiber per 100g, which supports gut health, digestion, and overall metabolic functions. Spirulina has minimal fiber content in comparison, making Zivolife a better option for digestive health.
7. Iron:
• Zivolife contains 201 mg of iron per 100g, a critical nutrient for red blood cell production and oxygen transport. Spirulina also contains iron but at lower concentrations, making Zivolife a superior source of iron, particularly for those looking to support their energy levels and combat iron deficiency.
8. Potassium:
• Zivolife offers 1,486 mg of potassium per 100g, which is essential for heart health, muscle function, and maintaining fluid balance. Spirulina has potassium, but Zivolife contains far higher levels, making it a better choice for promoting cardiovascular health.
9. Lutein and Zeaxanthin:
• Zivolife provides 241 mg of lutein and 84 mg of zeaxanthin per 100g, both of which are crucial for eye health and protection against age-related vision loss. While spirulina has some lutein and zeaxanthin, Zivolife’s concentrations are far superior, making it a better option for supporting eye health.
10. Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids:
• Zivolife contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, in an ideal ratio for promoting brain, heart, and joint health. While spirulina contains some omega fatty acids, Zivolife offers a more balanced and higher-quality profile of essential fats for supporting overall well-being.
Summary of Zivolife’s Advantages Over Spirulina:
• Better nutrient density with significantly higher levels of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, polyphenols, and fiber.
• Superior levels of key vitamins like Vitamin K and Iron.
• More bioavailable protein with a complete amino acid profile, making it a better option for muscle repair and energy.
• Grown a single farm with complete supply chain transparency and testing
• Patented and proprietary strain.